Plant-Based Kid Nutrition Plus a Book Giveaway

Eating plants is not only incredibly beneficial for adults, it is also perfectly safe and advantageous for kids, too. In fact, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics states that vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain dis- eases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the lifecycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.

Ruby BookTragically, it is well known that children do not tend to eat the healthiest diets, with one in three kids eating fast food each day, overweight and obesity on the rise, and increasing pediatric diabetes rates. However, there is ample hope in the air for our future generations with the growing revolution of plant-based eaters, an abundance of healthy initiatives in certain trailblazing schools such as this one, and creative tools and resources such as Ruby Roth’s brand new gorgeously inspiring The Help Yourself Cookbook for Kids


Here are 6 helpful nutrition facts for kids, made beautiful by Ruby Roth (plus see below for details on how you can win a FREE copy of her magnificent new book): 

Ruby Kids Nutrition

Note: Because exact nutrient requirements change according to age, it is always recommended that you ask your registered dietitian for details on how best to feed your child(ren) a well-balanced diet.

One of the best gifts you can give to your child(ren) is to encourage them to eat and live healthfully. Research shows that the most effective ways to teach your little one(s) is by role modeling healthy behaviors and also empowering them by inspiring their involvement in the process. Ruby Roth’s super fun and kid-friendly cookbook is a perfect place to start.

For more information on vegan nutrition for children, here is an excellent article by Physicians Guide To Responsible Medicine and another one by The Vegetarian Resource Group. For even more information, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition has a chapter on Phyto Kids and The Vegiterranean Diet elaborates on the details as well.

Enter HERE to win a FREE copy of Ruby Roth’s The Help Yourself Cookbook for Kids —> a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. Jia Hui Lee

    Sandwiches & spreadable things are kid-friendly!

  2. CineFile79

    As a vegan parent in a mixed relationship (wife is not vegan), we are struggling and battling about how to raise the children. My idea is to raise them vegan until say, 5, when they can cognitively begin to understand where food comes from. Then explain to them where animal products come from, and if they still want to choose the animal food, then it’s their choice. She, on the other hand, wants to feed them all sorts of eggs and meats right away, in fear that the child will become frail, malnourished, and sickly without them. She has seen almost all the vegan documentaries out there and I’ve sent her countless documentation and articles, to no avail. This tug of war is tearing us apart and I just don’t know how to convince her and compromising any more than I already am is tough. Do you have any experience with this? Any studies or proof or diet plans I can bring to her as evidence? Much appreciated.

    1. Here is the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recently updated Position Paper stating that a plant-based (including a totally vegan) diet is healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits against chronic disease for all stages of the lifespan, including children:

      Further, here are a couple of articles with some specific advice for raising plant-based kids:

      Finally, here is my recent article, A Physician’s Guide to Plant-Based Diets, in the Permanente Journal which you can share with your healthcare practitioner to quell any possible concerns:

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