Time to address the paleo diet, as it is one of the biggest dangers to what most vegans deem perilous: the persistent torture and slaughter of billions of animals a year and destruction of our planet. Yet, people who try the paleo diet seemingly do well initially health-wise, which makes it appear all the more appealing. But the truth is that people may thrive merely because they are switching from the standard western processed diet to one that includes more whole foods. The diet promotes healthy vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds and they also cut out dairy and processed foods, which are all health-promoting choices. The major issue is the irresponsible emphasis on meat, meat, and more meat. Further, we have no long-term data on people eating this way, although the evidence on the risks of eating animal products is well-substantiated.
Here are the top arguments against this diet fad:
- Because there were multiple types of diets prevalent during the Paleolithic era (depending on location and food availability), great leaps of assumption have been made to suggest eating a meat-rich diet occurred at all. Many anthropologists suggest this argument is flawed. Two primary reasons for this include the fact that carbohydrates, found primarily in plant foods, are the preferred fuel for the brain and body and plant food availability was much more stable, accessible, and consistent, whereas animals were not.
- Even if the original paleo diet hypothetically looked as it is currently described, there are no health parameters that are comparable to our current culture to make it relevant to us now. Factors including lifespan (they lived to approximately 30 years of age), activity level, access to medical care, and overall food intake (they ate wild plant foods and animals, unlike what we have available to us today) are critical to consider when determining long-term health assessment.
According to some anthropological experts, humans have not adapted physiologically, anatomically, or genetically to consume meat, especially in large doses. For example, the long length of our digestive tracts and type of teeth suggest a need to base our diets on whole plant foods.
- Research is consistent in finding associations between the consumption of meat and incidence of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, and certain cancers. Further, meat eaters tend to have higher BMI’s, increasing risk for most chronic diseases. Plant-based eaters have lower overall mortality, lower cholesterol, lower cardiovascular disease mortality, better blood sugar control and the ability to reverse type 2 diabetes, and possibly less cancer.
- People thrive with whole grains and legumes, which are excluded on the modern paleo diet. Whole grains and legumes provide fiber, phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals that are crucial for satiety and to meet nutrient requirements. Animal products contain zero fiber or phytochemicals, two of the most important nutrients for optimal health.
- Grass-fed or organic animal products still contain hefty doses of health-damaging saturated fats and dietary cholesterol, naturally occurring hormones like insulin-like growth factor 1 and heme iron, which promote cancer growth.
- In order to sustain a large portion of the world on a paleo diet, we would need the resources of 2 Earths.
- Eating a large portion of calories from organ meats, grass-fed, and organic meats is extremely expensive and challenging. Compare organic beef, which costs $5.25 per pound to beans, which cost about $1.99 per pound, dried, which makes about 8 cups cooked and can serve at least 8 people.
Eating animals contributes to the unnecessary horrific cruelty and animal suffering of billions of animals a year. We absolutely do not need animal products to survive. All nutrients from animal products can be found in plants, but better packaged. The only exception to this is vitamin B12, which the animals get from microorganisms in dirt.
- Not only do vegans get enough of all essential nutrients, we tend to meet nutrient needs better than omnivores. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics shows the plant-based diets meet all of our nutrient needs.
The Paleo Diet is Uncivilized by Dr. McDougall
Debunking the Paleo Diet: Christina Warinner at TEDxOU
This Post Has 45 Comments
Great article!
Excellent article!
Hilarious that mercola uses Sally Fallon and WAPF as part of his sources, and then slams Ancel for "cherry picking data" which is EXACTLY what Weston A. Price did.
Vegans are fucking idiots
Wow Sarah thanks!
Great article.
Wow Sarah Polsley your so well spoken and obviously educated on nutrition and environment. I look forward to hearing more of you're thoughtful incite…NOT! lol
I'd like to point out that the comparative anatomy chart posted in this article was not compiled by an anthropological expert. It shows certain similarities and dissimilarities but omits others that might hinder it's propose of favoring humans as being only suited to eating plant foods.
"The typical claims made in comparative proofs of diet that humans are not adapted to meat because of lack of claws,fangs, etc., are fallacious and based on the assumption that only one adaptation is possible for the function. In reality, from earliest beginnings, humans have employed adaptive behavior and technology to overcome the limits of morphology."
Also referring to the third argument: our teeth are well equipped to deal with both plants foods and animal foods, our molars are bunodont molars which are most common among omnivores such as pigs and bears and our long digestive tract is not a hindrance in our ability to digest animal foods.
Very interesting, Deb, thanks!
"from earliest beginnings, humans have employed adaptive behavior and technology to overcome the limits of morphology" This is an explicit statement that humans did not adapt to meat-eating biologically, but by "behavior and technology." Just as we have "adapted" to space travel by "behavior and technology." The fact that we can do something (travel to the moon) with "behavior and technology" does not indicate that we are biologically adapted to that activity. In fact, just as this phrase states, we use behavior and technology to circumvent the limits of our biology. That's an implicit admission that we are not biologically adapted to the activity!
"our long digestive tract is not a hindrance in our ability to digest animal foods" Sure, we can digest them, that doesn't mean that our digestive tract is adapted to the biochemical events produced in the gut when we digest them. You have to go a bit deeper to discover whether digesting animal foods promotes disease in the human gut (or body as a whole) because that's where we look for adaptation, not just in the superficial ability to pass the stuff through our gut. I addressed all of this evolutionary pseudo-science in my book Powered By Plants: Natural Selection & Human Nutrition.
Kayla McGowan You think bears and pigs are the same kind of "omnivore"? Bears are members of the order Carnivora, and have a typical carnivore gut; their teeth are modifications of the basic meso-carnivore form. Bears have bodies biologically committed to carnivory (technically, hypocarnivores), that happen to eat some plants when necessary. Pigs belong to the Artiodactyla order, not carnivore; unlike bears, they are hindgut fermenters, with a colon biologically committed to a plant-based diet, and only opportunistically carnivorous. Not only that, pigs also live and reproduce quite well on exclusively plant-based diets, as done in pig husbandry, which is not true of bears. Further, the dentition of pigs and bears is not as similar as you suggest. There is no biological definition of "omnivore"; this is merely a behavioral classification, which erroneously lumps together animals adapted to plant based diets with those adapted to meat-based diets. Again, I addressed all of this in detail in Powered By Plants.
of course.. it is written by a vegan.
Julieanna, nice work. The tidal wave of Paleo will die out as will its followers from arteries I cannot fix with my stents. It is bad fad that is not supported by science. Barely in our teeth 30,000 years ago!! And it will pollute the world with dead animal waste if it gains more popularity. Paleo-NO is what I say.
Dr. Kahn, thank you for your input! You are there on the front lines with the results of people eating animal products every day! And thanks to your amazing new book, The Holistic Heart Book, people can learn so much from you! I am grateful you are out there doing such important work!!!
Would be weird if a paleo dieter wrote 10 arguments against himself ..
Ha no offense Shayla. . .to each their own I guess. However I reversed osteoporosis that I was diagnosed with at age 23 from being malnourished and underweight from a primarily plant based diet. What do I eat now? Paleo. . .so I'm sticking to my guns here. And to those who think its cruel, even from a sustainability standpoint I'd suggest they look into some of Robb Wolf's compelling arguments concerning the bio-dynamics of this whole situation before coming to conclusions unsupported by anything except the fact that yes animals die so people can eat. But animals die so other predators can eat as well so there's that.
And to you Sherhag I see no support for your side of this whole debate except to get all pissy at me so I suggest you shut it little man
I actually broke my 7 years of vegetarianism to try going Paleo and it was a disaster. my digestion suffered, i felt bloated all the time and i lacked energy because my body was trying to break down the carcass it had consumed. NEVER AGAIN! I wrote about it here http://eatfeelfresh.com/day-2-my-problems-with-paleo/
All I have to say is, TED aligns themselves with Monsanto…so, you can keep eating your GMO filled grains and legumes, which our bodies haven't yet adapted to after the introduction of agriculture some 10,000 yrs ago. Grains cause respiratory problems, hence the unusual number of our citizens (compared to most other western nations) stricken with asthma and other inflammations caused by simply walking outside, due to a diet largely based on grains [and dairy]. In my eyes, if vegans aren't allowed to eat eggs, honey, and chocolate (cacao) 3 of the most nutrient dense super-foods nature has provided for us, then vegans are sadly misled. And the paleo diet isn't just about consuming large portions of meat (like you said, it was based on availability), so the generalization is unwarranted, especially this whole 20 billion animals slaughtered thing because guess what? Most of these animals are caged up, fed steroids and hormones, just to be used by all these huge corporations for their chemically processed meats in fast food chains and in large grocery markets, to constantly keep the public fat and sick. We know consuming large amounts of red meats can lead to cardiovascular problems, much like dairy, so we eat a variety of foods found on earth (nothing that came from farming/agriculture: dairy and grains) like whole foods, nuts, seeds, poultry, and fish. This is THE COMPLETE diet, not something were we restrict our honey consumption yet eat large amounts of grains (btw, the protein synthesis, among other many other chemical composition, in grains and legumes have changed since the days of our grandparents, so our bodies haven't yet adapted to these changes implemented to make drought and bug-resistant grain crops you see today)! This article just made our caveman brethren LOL a bit
Thank you Julieanna! I always find your articles to be well researched and in line with what I have learned about nutrition over the years. It's difficult to hear friends say they are on a "paleo" diet while at the same time complaining of kidney stones, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. I share information on how a WFPB diet doesn't cause these side effects (and has many other positive health impacts) but sadly sometimes people just need to go through it themselves to believe it.
Touche! Why don't people frickin get that?!
Well said!
Thank you Christine. Yes, it is so difficult to watch loved ones needlessly suffer. Best thing to do is lead by example and they will eventually hopefully listen…keep inspiring!
Ummm, I'm not sure what healthy vegans are eating GMO filled grains and legumes, but I sure am not. I buy EVERYTHING organic, which is all non-GMO.
However, for those who eat meat, if you are buying anything other than organic meat, you are then eating GMO foods, because they feed livestock GMO feed.
One more piece of advice, read The China Study. This will prove any arguments or questioning that the plant based diet is the healthiest way to eat and live. This is the longest going scientific evidence and facts. Not, just opinions. I don't know about anyone else, but I like to go off science and proof. I want to see the research and data with my own two eyes.
Not really. A writing teacher I once studied under said that one of the best ways to solidify one's position was to argue against it and find the flaws. Often we were required to choose something we believed in or stood by and write an argument paper against it. Really uncomfortable at first, but honestly it can be pretty eye-opening.
Kurtis Thompson thank you. Honestly… I have been doing paleo for about 3 weeks now and I have never felt better. I recently lost 40 lbs and no matter how much I dieted or worked out, I felt stuck (I plateaued)..As soon as I cut out wheat, grains, dairy, and sugar, my energy spiked… I no longer get bloated after eating…no headaches… and lbs are dropping. I feel wonderful and my health is perfect. I know it may not work for everyone but hey..
So this is not only a lie, as you try to ignore that PALEO eat MEAT AND VEGETABLES. I wonder why cant you just be honest? Is it too much to hard to understand that if you want to make a point, you need to be honest about it? If you say, that paleo shouldnt eat animals, because you dont like it. FINE! Îf you place arguments that almost ignore that paleo eat not only meat, but a whide variety of plant foods (and thus is very nutrient rich), you are being biased, and should be ashamed of yourself.
I'm on the Kaleo diet.
actually, I'm on the KALEO diet myself
How about, Paleo is just the same high-protein, low-carb diet from the 60's, but without the martini's?
Ahr I believe you need to check your facts. Legumes and grains were both consumed before the invention of agriculture. The oldest tribes still gather legumes from trees. It is actually a staple for part of the year for several species of animals all across the globe. Also what happens when 80 billion animals come from free range cattle. You must not realize the land and water that is needed for such an operation. Like the article said it would take 2 Earths. How is that adaptable? Also you talk about chemicals and hybridization, what do you think a cow is? It is not natural let alone natural in North America. Finally all pollution concentrates up the food chain so by eating high on it you magnify your exposure.
Pssh, Vegans…. just a bunch of psycho zealots that are full of self righteous shit.
Meat is absolutely not necessary…. GOOD JOKE! You know why? because the adaption of eating meat caused a massive increase in brain size and capability giving you the option to have B12 in your diets. Without this consumption of meat you would be a mindless chimp worrying about a Panther pouncing on you in the night. You owe your very comforts/standard of life to eating meat. What needs to change is the standards in which animals are kept and raised. Besides the Vegan diet is not as healthy as you think, with all that tumor producing soy, estrogen enhancing products that give men gynecomastia and testicular cancer. A lot of the time you see vegans showing their diet on youtube and they just snack on a bunch of bread, nutella etc I know so many vegans that are very chubby. Also Paleo isn't just eating meat, and you can increase the amount of vegetable servings in proportion to the meat. At the extreme end it's been found you can eat only meat in some cases and be just fine health wise.
This is a Paleo meal, looks amazing.
Here are my sources on the necessity of meat.
My sources on only meat.
Hi I am Elisa G.
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People will say anything to justify the slaughtering of animals for their diets. It is ego-based thoughts, based on 'if it is has a benefit to me then i don't care who or what it harms'. Even if Paelo or meat-based diets did make a person stronger, faster, live longer, etc (which it doesnt necessarily), why is that worth harming the earth and our fellow creatures? Throughout history people have destroyed everything on this earth in the name of health, beauty, fashion, etc.
I know how hard it is to adjust one's eating, but I gave up meat a few years ago and now I dream about vegan food (instead of meatloaf like I used to).
Instead of arguing over what the benefits to yourself are, think about the benefits to other beings and our planet.
A Paleo diet, also known as paleolithic diet or caveman diet, is all about natural foods to help achieve great health and a perfect physique. Foods that are okay to eat on the Paleo diet include lean meats, seafood, eggs, fish, vegetables, fruit nuts and seeds, and healthy fats. Foods to avoid; sugar, refined processed foods, grains, beans and dairy. If you want to try Paleo diet, get this detailed guide with hundreds of easy-to-prepare recipes – http://fb.me/2EB9lCFvJ
A Paleo diet, also known as paleolithic diet or caveman diet, is all about natural foods to help achieve great health and a perfect physique. Foods that are okay to eat on the Paleo diet include lean meats, seafood, eggs, fish, vegetables, fruit nuts and seeds, and healthy fats. Foods to avoid; sugar, refined processed foods, grains, beans and dairy. If you want to try Paleo diet, get this detailed guide with hundreds of easy-to-prepare recipes – http://fb.me/2EB9lCFvJ
What are the benefits of Paleo? Potential weight loss and increased cognitive function. There’s also increased energy level and potential rebalancing of blood cholesterol — HDLs, LDLs and triglycerides. If you want to learn more about Paleo diet, read this great article -"The #1 Biggest Paleo Mistake" – fb.me/29MOqMSp2
What are the benefits of Paleo? Potential weight loss and increased cognitive function. There’s also increased energy level and potential rebalancing of blood cholesterol — HDLs, LDLs and triglycerides. If you want to learn more about Paleo diet, read this great article -"The #1 Biggest Paleo Mistake" – fb.me/29MOqMSp2
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