FREE Masterclass – Healthspan Weight Loss

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FREE Masterclass – Healthspan Weight Loss


Weight loss is simple. It may not be easy, but it is definitely simple. Despite the never-ending shrieks and squeals of claims and promises shouting from every social media and other types of channels. The facts remain facts. History and substantial science stand solid.

Ultimately, there is both one way to lose weight and there are many ways to lose weight.

I’d love to explain…

Join me for my first ever FREE Masterclass on the one way to lose weight in the healthiest way possible on Wednesday, May 22nd at 2pm PT/5pm ET.

As a Registered Dietitian and Personal Trainer, I have had the privilege of helping hundreds of people lose weight and improve their health over the past 26 years. The results have consistently been extraordinary – weight loss of 0.4-0.8 pounds per day, reducing and getting off medications, improving chronic conditions, enhancing energy and recovery, and so much more.

Every interaction with every client has evolved my thinking and understanding of how we humans navigate this challenging world and that is where I focus with my private coaching clients and group challenges.

I am excited to shift a tiny degree in my work with a deeper emphasis on healthspan, hence why I shifted my name from the Plant-Based Dietitian©, which I have been since 2009, to The Healthspan Dietitian©. This is the exciting direction healthcare is now moving.

In this free live event, I will be addressing the Five Tenets of Healthspan Weight Loss and then opening the floor up for questions. The event will be recorded and emailed to anyone who registers.

Register here to join me on Wednesday May 22nd 2pm PT/5pm ET 

Enroll Here

Reach out with any questions here.

I look forward to seeing you there…


This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Joy


  2. Ruth

    Can’t wait!

  3. Camille Demarais

    Looking forward to the class!

  4. Kathleen

    tried to sign up for this master class but the site won’t take my information

    1. Julieanna Hever

      Please send me an email so I can send the link….

  5. Juan Gonzalez

    I really want this

  6. Michaela Dunn

    Will there be a recording in case we can’t be there for it all?

    1. Julieanna Hever

      Yes! If you registered, the recording will go out to that email address….

  7. Denette

    I didn’t sign up but would love a recording, if that’s possible. Thank you.

    1. Julieanna Hever

      Yes, I will email it to you….

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