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Question for the What Would Julieanna Do? Q&A:

Aren’t carbs bad?


Related Links:

Everything You Need to Know About A Vegan Diet in Less Than 500 Words

What Vegans Eat…Sample Meal Plans Made Simple + Hundreds of Recipes

Harvard School of Public Health on Carbohydrates

CDC on Carbohydrates 

Simple vs. Complex Carbs from The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition

Dr. McDougall on Carbohydrates carbs

Dr. McDougall on the Paleo Diet

Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s opinion on a low-carb diet

Mayo Clinic: Benefits of Fiber

The Plant-Based Food Guide Pyramid and Plate




If you have questions for me, ask them below or tweet them to me here!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Bonnie Leary

    Carbs and soy, I get a lot of those questions. Many people are afraid of both. Thanks for this video. I LOVE the recipes in the Starch Solution, all of the ones I have tried have been amazing. 🙂

  2. Nutrition To Fruition

    Thanks for this! I agree we should be focusing on the FOODS and their quality rather than the macronutrient! Obviously we need ALL THREE for great health! Likewise, it is also important to note that the "healthiest societies" had all sorts of different macronutrient profiles. Asians, as you mentioned, eat a lot of carbs and have historically had good health. Eskimos ate prodominately fat, and enjoyed very low rates of heart disease, likely because of their omega-3 consumption in addition to their physical activity. The commonality between many of these groups? They all eat REAL food, not processed JUNK! So, eat real food, based on what YOUR body responds to best!

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