Vitamin D

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This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Nina Katrine Dahl-Klepsvik

    Hello Julieanna!
    You just got a new fan. I just discovered you site, and I love your website and videos! Can't wait to see more in the future 🙂
    I wonder if you could/would make a video in the future about B12 deficiency? We all know that this is one of the (two) vitamins that us vegans need to watch out for, but I've read somewhere (online) a claim that most meat-eaters have a lack in this vitamin too, but I haven't been able to find data to back that up more substantially. Is this claim true? Do you know? Where can I find correct research data to find this out, if I want to explore it further? Also, do you have any good tips on how to either supplement or get this vitamin naturally from food? (Preferably the latter).
    Have a great day.

  2. Julieanna Hever

    Hi Nina! Thank you so much! Actually, my last Q&A post was on vitamin B12:
    And, yes, meat-eaters suffer from B12 deficiency often…as do elderly, people with GI issues, etc. You cannot get it from plants…there are fortified plant milks and nutritional yeast has some, but I recommend getting it from a reliable source, like a supplement.

  3. Diane L. MacDonald

    I am intolerant to potato/potato starch/ (Vitamin D Palmitate/ fortified/ enriched/ cane sugar/ dairy and my Vitamin D levels are 50% lower than normal. — what form of Vitamin D supplement would best bring up my Vitamin D levels?

  4. Julieanna Hever

    There are vegan vitamin D3 formulas available now, but vitamin D2 has typically been found to be as effective.

  5. Ruby Persaud

    Hello Julieanna, I take Vitamin D with Vit D3 is it derived from animal sheep's lanolin? But it stamped as Kosher. I prefer vegan Vtiamin D…and I can't Vitamin D2 derived from natural plant based diet.

  6. Win Konijn

    So have learned that unless you test the D levels converted in the liver, the regular D test is useless. Which vegetable based D is good to take? I've been advices D3 is NOT good to take. Thank you !

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