January 21-Day Choose You Now Challenge: 21-Day Weight Loss and Lifestyle Transformation Program
Last minute decision to run the 21-Day Challenge this January!!! I have several huge projects coming up this year so I was going to skip this year’s challenge, but I decided that – because of the extraordinary results and camaraderie of groups over the past few years – I had to make it happen!
This will likely be the only group in 2025 so let’s do it!
As a Registered Dietitian and Personal Trainer in private practice for almost three decades, I have walked many hundreds of people through a journey of self-discovery that has helped transform their relationship with food, diet, the psycho-social eating environment, and their body. It is a process and the profundity of transformation that occurs in a mere three weeks is often mind-blowing. It does not take a long time to change your destiny. It happens quite quickly. And the motivation that those changes incite may last far longer than you planned on. Regardless of the long game, you can just dip your toes in and see how you feel. You have everything to gain.
Join me for this next 21-day group challenge, where I will share the tried-and-true techniques that I have used in my individualized coaching as well as group settings and participants have had extraordinary results (weight loss of 0.4-0.8 pounds per day, reducing and getting off medications, improving chronic conditions)….in just these first twenty-one days!
This program includes an ebook guide, a workbook, and a bonus recipe ebook, four weekly zoom meetings, and a Facebook support group so you can ask questions, share stories and tips, and mingle amongst likeminded individuals that are on this journey with you.
Program begins Monday January 6th at 5pm PT / 8pm ET
Cost is $199 and you will receive:
- Four weekly live Zooms (Live events will be recorded.)
- Meal planning for weight loss
- Mindfulness techniques
- Dealing with the real world
- Sticky habits for life
- Choose You Now Diet Techniques
- Choose You Now eBook Bundle
- The Plant-Based Dietitian®’s 21-Day Choose You Now Challenge
- The Choose You Now Diet Workbook
- The Plant-Based Dietitian®’s Ten Favorite Recipes for Weight Loss
- Support Group on Facebook
- Discounted individual coaching/consulting
- Four weekly live Zooms (Live events will be recorded.)